DIY Dream Board
The very first step to building your dreams is to LISTEN to them (identify and know what drives you, what moves you, and yourself), TRUST...
I believe in loving fiercely, working diligently, and living passionately. Life is too short for bullshit. My goal is to go after the...
What should I do with my Dream Board?First, Share it #DreamGetters
If you have done the DIY Dream Board exercise, give yourself a pat on the back! You have taken the first step, and a major one towards...
I Love My Dream Board!
I love my Dream Board!! Do you love yours? Let’s SEE it… I challenge you to show the world just how bad ass you really are, post your...
Dreamboard: Be You, Be Brave. Check off that to-do list.
One of the very first steps towards fulfilling your dreams is to allow yourself to dream. One would think that was pretty easy, right?...
Dream Board — Honey Patel
I am super excited to share my first draft of the Dream Board. DreamGetters has been working hard on putting together this great exercise...